5/9/ · OTC binary options offer the simplest way into the market. It’s possible to quickly view what trades are available and instantly take a position. On the other hand, the more complicated pricing model for exchange traded options raises the possibility of being able to use option pricing models and strategies to take a view on whether a. Detecting binary options scams is not an easy task,but it is a noble idea to do since people are being robbed daily of their money in binary options trade. blogger.com is dedicated to fishing out those scammers that come in sheeps clothing just to rip you off your money. If you become a victim of binary options fraud, here are some steps you can take: 1 Cancel your credit cards and debit cards.; 2 Contact your provincial securities regulator.; 3 If you have provided the binary options firm with your banking information, contact your bank to advise it of this.; 4 If you have provided the scammers with passport information, driver’s licence, or utility bill.
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Should you be listening to what they have to say? Personal account managers are used by the brokers as a way to attract and retain their traders. The benefit of a personal rep, someone who is there to take care of your account needs, answer your questions and help you get started is unquestionable. What is questionable is the lengths to which some account managers and brokers will go to make you deposit more, and lose more.
They can tell us all about trading and why this broker is the best but should they really be offering us tips, advice, and signals? The manager works for the broker, the broker makes money when you lose so there is a clear conflict of interest in a manager helping you to win. Then why is it OK for your manager to tell you what and how to trade? To truly understand why and when an account manager is a good or bad thing you have to understand what an account manager is there for.
The manager is there to help you and monitor your account, not to trade for you. The manager should be there as a liaison between you and your platform. He or she should help you get signed up, they should help you with your documentation and identification, they should explain the bonus terms and conditionsmake sure that you understand what assets and types of trading they offer, how different types of orders work and other similar stuff. They are not there to pressure you into making deposits, they should not be offering to trade your account, they should not be offering trading tips or suggesting you use a managed trading account.
If they are doing any of that, there is something very wrong and you should rethink whether or not you have chosen a good broker. The broker needs them to help retain clients and get them to trade. The clients need them to answer questions, give help and provide support. An account manager that operates within some boundaries brings advantages to both parties, making sure clients are comfortable with trading real money, which means they will keep using the broker. Before taking any tips, regardless of the source, you have to ask yourself: is this person qualified?
It takes a certified investment adviser to provide trading or investment advice, which is not the same thing as being regulated as a broker. Without such certification, it is illegal for brokers and account managers to give advice, provide tips or signals and especially to trade your account. The problem is that there are no set standards among brokers.
The very term is confusing. A change in status to account representative or liaison would be better. Along with that, regulation should include no tips or advice, the manager should be there for informational purposes only. You can ask them otc is dangerous wipe your account binary options, use them for a reference and for educational purposes. They should be able to help you with account verification, making deposits and withdrawals but not to give you tips. If they want to tell you how to trade they should get licensed to be an adviser and look for a new job.
Sure, maybe otc is dangerous wipe your account binary options will give you some in the first weeks or months but in the long run, such a managed account is not the way to go. Third-party managed accounts work along these lines: a company, signal service provideretc. Then they try to convince you to allow their robot to trade your account. Unless you have solid — let me say that again: solid proof of their performance, I would say stay away, especially if they are reluctant to give you clear information about how their robot works or how exactly will their team manage your online trading account.
Let me tell you a little story:. A few weeks back I met one of my old high-school friends. Nobody rides my bike but me, otc is dangerous wipe your account binary options. But I had spoken to soon: when we got to the parking lot while trying otc is dangerous wipe your account binary options parallel park, he clipped the front rim on the curb. The main problem I have is that now my rim is scratched and I had nothing to do with it. I mean, if I were driving — fine — I bought the car I can scratch it, but someone else doing it… arghhh!
In fact, I would blame myself more than the account manager: why did I think that someone else would take better care of my money than I would? Or why would you believe that the broker will offer you a managed account that actually makes you money and makes them lose money? Do you know how experienced they really are? Do you know how careful they will be with your account?
The game starts. Oh man, the look on your face when the 5 came out. The house takes it all. Letting the broker manage your account is a bad idea and something you should be avoiding. Regulated AND Trusted brokers would not offer you a managed account, and your account manager will not provide you tips. Even experienced traders lose. Something can go wrong with his strategy or market conditions can change drastically and the account can go south. I am sure you know how many scammers roam the Internet and the trading world.
The way your account manager treats you is a great way to know if the broker is legit or not. A bad broker will use the manager to take advantage of you, otc is dangerous wipe your account binary options, get you to trade more, lose your money on the tips he gives you and then ask for more deposits.
A good broker will use the manager to help you trade by giving you tools and information and providing some support but they will not give you tips, advice or trade your account for you. Learn to drive, accept guidance from others but NEVER let them touch the steering wheel and never let them manage your real-money trading account.
What is an Account Manager? All Rights Reserved. Please be noted that all information provided by ThatSucks. The words Suck, Scam, otc is dangerous wipe your account binary options, etc are based on the fact that these articles are written in a satirical and exaggerated form and therefore sometimes disconnected from reality. All information should be revised closely by readers and to be judged privately by each person.
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Exchange traded or Over The Counter (OTC) options?

Binary options are quickly becoming one of the most popular day trading methods among traders of all experience levels. Binary Options Contracts allow a trader to return up to 90% in as little as 1 minute. Opening account is secure and easy. How To Open a Binary Trade Account. Creating a binary options trading account couldn’t be easier. Binary Options OTC Trading: Your Cheat-Sheet to Making Profits in Binary Options On Weekends! 9 Key Questions to Ask When Selecting a Good Binary Options Broker blogger.com Review: Regulated Broker Which ALSO Accepts People in Canada, Europe and UK! If you become a victim of binary options fraud, here are some steps you can take: 1 Cancel your credit cards and debit cards.; 2 Contact your provincial securities regulator.; 3 If you have provided the binary options firm with your banking information, contact your bank to advise it of this.; 4 If you have provided the scammers with passport information, driver’s licence, or utility bill.
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